Welcome to mikromedia.de
I am currently working on conceptualizing and developing the future of Sustainability Information Systems at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.
You can find out more about our research on Digitalisation & Sustainability right here.
Before starting my research at the IASS I was a keen contributor to the DeepaMehta software. Last year we started DMX Systems to professionalize the work we put into the project. While AI is taking off our focus remains on building software tools that are under human control. Want to learn more?
Find out more on dmx.systems
Situational apps is software "good enough" for one specific purpose, an app which is contemporary enough to make a difference in a specific situation.
Topicmaps XML, RDF, JSON-LD became standards and e exchange formats while Dublin Core, Schema.org and all other ontologies (domain-specific or general purpose) are the vocabulary with which we describe domains of work.
You can read more about the development of plugins for perosnal networks of situational apps or enabling user defined software in my blog.
Designing new media is drafting and inventing the future of interfaces with which we as humans cultivate new forms of expression and organize our work with information.
Domain-driven design and task or goal-oriented design is what can help us to develop our ideas further.
I can lead your design efforts or help an interdiscplinary team share a common goal, get creative and work effective.
"The platform giving digital music back it's face!" - Jri
Find out what other people said or some background information about the prototype product I created, developed and with which I powered a couple of Torstraßenfestivals (soundposter.com)
Our focus: Create a unique and professional space for like-minded people in the Berlin golf community – no matter if amateur or professional. Equipped with two TrackMan 4, comfortable couches and WLAN we strive to provide you the best surroundings for golf training, events or matches.
Come visit us! We're located near U Ernst-Reuter Platz, c/o Hohmann Golf Shop, in Franklinstrasse 12A-13, Berlin. For more infos you can visit www.golfstudio-berlin.de
As an educated design assistant (GTA) and computer scientist (Engineering) I love my job as an application and product developer. The work I've done over the last 18 years has made me a specialist for interactive graphics and so called "knowledge media".
Find out more about that in my freelancer work journal, the abstract of my diploma thesis on touch and pen-driven interactive graph-layouts, or an overview of software projects I contributed to.
Knowledge representation in form of maps and practices of mapping (analog or digital) is what I study and facilitate for more than 10 years now. The creation of personal knowledge maps has been a fixture in my work over the recent years. Getting started with the development of the Info-Touch (2008), I was hooked in the creation of various Topicmap renderers (Stable Views, 2014), up to my proposal for advancing to web mapping documents in HTML with Leaflet.annotate (2017), Soundposter or Kiezatlas.
My name is Malte and I am a design assistant, software engineer and consultant on knowledge media, open source and user defined software.
How I go about my business is mainly influenced by the methodologies of domain-driven design and task or goal-directed design.